Category Archives: Finance

Explore MAP For Amazing Visa Prepaid Gift Cards

There are many times when you need easy and quick payments. At this time, the best solution for you would be the reloadable prepaid cards, which are extremely popular these days. We, at MAP, Member Access Pacific, are highly reputed and trusted prepaid card payment processing company in the nation. We have a huge variety of reloadable transaction processing and prepaid card solutions that are secure and flexible too. Our Visa Prepaid Gift Cards will best fit your credit union and member needs. Moreover, with our prepaid cards, you can build up a huge card portfolio too.

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We are renowned for our Premium Card Processing Services & Products, because no other processing company has till now succeeded in matching with our card processing solutions.not only we have a flexible issuance process, but our card solutions also allow the card holders for the online card account access, along with various personalization options and other web features. In our product list, we have Visa Debit and Credit Cards, prepaid Cards, Point of Sale, Design A Card, Loyalty Rewards, MAP Plastics, and a lot more. For any further information about our products and services, please visit us at

Hire Our Services Of Debit Card Processing For Safe & Secure Trading

People who are running a small business can take the help of Debit Card Processing services to increase their sales and render more options to their customers to make the payment. Why small businesses should have Debit Card Processing services despite of the fact that credit cards are more popular. The reason is that a person with an average salary cannot own it.

If you run a small retail store, then installing the system that accepts the debit cards can be very helpful for you. Whether it is offline transaction or online transaction, our money is completely safe. is a reliable financial partner that delivers money from the account of your customers to your accounts without any risk, issue and hustle. Each and every transaction passes through our secured card processing server, hence your money is completely safe. We at Member Access Pacific take your monetary stability, very seriously and take all reasonable efforts so that the online as well as offline transactions is safe and secure.

Contact us at Member Access Pacific, for the debit card processing services, as we are the best Card Processing Company that can offer you the card processing services at reasonable price. We make use technologies of cutting edge and render them at a very affordable price.

Reduce Overspending With Prepaid Cards

Is fear of overspending restricting your shopping or your travel plans? Reloadable prepaid cards are the optimum solution for all your needs, whether it is purchasing of new apparel, dinning, or any kind of necessity you are thinking of. These cards give you the option to refill with the amount as you desire, it does not require any bank account or legal documentation while issuing the card. You just have to walk in with your identity proof such as driving licence, copy of passport to the issuing company or you can also apply online if the applicant is above the age of eighteen years. These cards give you the benefit associated with visa or master card network. This means any merchandise outlet which bears the logo of Visa or MasterCard is bound to accept your card. Once you get out of money in your card they can be reloaded. These cards come with the expiry date, after that you cannot reload it.

These cards are identical as debit cards because you are using your own cash; the difference is that you don’t have to link any bank account to it. It also avoids hefty interest payments that are levied on master or Visa credit card processing services for credit unions.

Debit Card Processing- The Best Way Out!


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A debit card is a plastic payment card that provides the cardholder electronic access to his or her bank accounts at a financial institution. Currently, there are 3 ways in which debit card transactions are processed-

  1.  Online debit also knows as PIN debit.
  2.  Offline debit also known as signature debit.
  3.  Electronic pause card system.

Mobile payment is the method of making transactions through your mobile phone and is an alternative to cash, credit or debit cards and the checks. This is surely gaining popularity due to the basic advantage of making transactions on the go. Member access pacific is in the forefront of providing this service to the customers.

We also offer services like-

  • Instant card issuance
  • High security of your data and money
  • Card personalization
  • Less chances of fraud
  • High transparency of transactions
  • Electronic funds transfer
  • Better money management

Therefore, customers who just do not find to make a visit to the bank and thus increase their dues due to delay in transactions, now this will not continue, because now we provide you two great techniques debit cards and MAP mobile payments . So, solve your payment blues and let us help you with your payments.

Manage Your Transactions: Contact Us For The Best ATM Terminal Driving Services!

The world today is spinning and developing faster than ever. In this new age of development, on the go banks namely ATMs have popped up faster than ever. There are ATMs in every possible place you visit. In addition, they have truly made banking and transactions faster than ever. This requires a well set-up service that can manage all transactions you pursue via ATMs. To manage your transactions efficient and make your dealings hassle free, you need to have trustworthy ATM terminal driving services at your disposal. At Member Access Pacific, we understand the importance of this and provide you with the best possible service ATM terminal driving support services.


Every facility comes with some risk associated with it. It is of utmost importance for any customer to fully understand the implications of those risks and take precautions. At Member Access Pacific, we work as your constant risk services managers . With a highly experienced team and well-qualified employees, we inform you about any risk associated with any service to insure your safety and well-being. With a huge client base that speaks for itself, we believe that quality is something we can never compromise with. Contact us today for ATM terminal driving services and risk services management. We will be glad to help you.

Where You Can Find Turn-Key Credit Union Card Processing Companies

If you want to find a Turn-Key Credit Union Card Processingcompanies then you should search the internet. These companies usually have their own websites on the internet. These websites provide complete information about their services and products. They also provide information about the various service providers like Visa, Mastercard etc. You can study their websites and decide whether you wish to hire them or not. There are not many such companies providing complete package of services like credit card management or card processing. This is the reason it will not be too difficult to decide which one to choose.
In spite of the fact that there are very few such companies, they choose not to take advantage of the situation and provide their products and services at very reasonable rates. The fees charged by them for Bank Business Cards and other products and services are usually worth the expense due to the quality of service that they provide. These companies use cutting edge technology in order to provide their clients with what they require. At the same time, their standards of client servicing are also very high. This ensures that you will get what you want from these companies. To learn more about these companies you can search the internet. Apart from their official websites, you will find many articles and blogs providing information regarding them.

Premium Card Processing Services at MAP!

As the country’s only aggregator of the Visa Debit Card Processing Company stand for credit unions, Member Access Pacific is in the vanguard of giving industry-leading goods and services to credit unions. MAP’s important role in the marketplace gives our user credit unions the isolated opportunity to grip the automation, bond, and usefulness of Visa for their users. As a leading international payments technology label;, Visa continues to improve its payments processing network, which today is able to handle more than twenty thousand transaction texts per second with profit, contingency and security.


Our sanction service choices are basically customizable, offering real-time and stand-in stake that enables you to give fast, reliable transaction support anywhere the cardholders choose to conduct business — at the ATM or POS, over the Internet, or through telephone. Connect all of your information and bill tools through our easy to use online ingress. From back office abilities to documentation about attainable goods and services, these ingress give you single sign-on entry points to almost everything you require.MAP provides best quality call centre support that can help you lessen back office expenditure and scam losses. Our Premium Card Processing Services include 24×7 hot carding and card revival, as well as turnkey scam monitoring and case management solutions for financial institutions using Falcon Fraud Manager

Where You Can Find Debit Card Processing Solutions

If you want to find debit card processing solutions all you have to do is search on the internet with relevant keywords. There are many companies specializing in card processing and management and they have their own user friendly websites that provide all the information about them. These companies often specialize in providing services for any one brand like Visa, Mastercard etc. The companies provide debit card solutions like PIN based functionality, credit cards and prepaid products. This provides maximum flexibility to the end users as there is a solution for virtually their every need. The credit card processing solutions include loyalty and benefit programs which meet the specific requirement of a particular institution. They also offer a wide array of optional products like marketing and member services at an affordable price. This makes the work of the institution quite simple and provides the best experience to the end user.

Such turn-key credit union card processing companies provide very secure and highly flexible processing solutions that ensure that you do not face any glitches in providing services to your end clients. This is the reason that these card processing companies are becoming very popular all over the world and they are increasingly being used by the financial institutions that want to provide better services to their customers.

Credit Union Prepaid Cards to Your Rescue


We have one thing we really cannot live without after air water and food and that’s our credit cards. Actually they are the way we access the necessities of life like water and food. So we all have a very good idea how important credit cards are for us. But where there is a good there is a bad hidden somewhere.

Credit cards give us free hand in spending and at times totally destroy our budget because it’s too hard to control the temptation. The solution is credit union prepaid card. We at provide you with the best-prepaid card solution that you might find in throughout the city.

We are a scalable card processing platform and we alter specifications and design and implement what our customers’ desire. We take in account need of our customers and understand that everyone is not going to be satisfied with some pre made template. So we customize what you require in your prepaid cards as per your individual need. There is no question of leaving a customer unsatisfied with us. We understand your need and work for your relaxation.

We Are The Foremost Source For Your Merchant Payment Solutions

No doubt, cash will always remain the King, but it is hard to carry it in the pockets throughout the day or make the online payments. Thus, credit cards have been introduced. Almost all the payments in today’s period are done through the plastic money – Credit Cards. Are you well equipped to make online payments? MAP is the Credit Union that will solve your Merchant Payment Solutions with its credit cards.


MAP delivers the foremost merchant payment solutions in the industry by combining its banking expertise along with the leading payment processing system. We see to it that you can enjoy the benefit of one-stop payment solution for the entire payment and banking processing needs. Through our Credit Union Credit Cards you can make the payments anywhere and to any shop where the bank credit cards are also accepted. It is very critical to choose the correct payment partner. Thus, to solve your problem, we offer you the payment solution through our best services. Our payment processing sources have built in control features and monitor fraud and the transactions are also done at a high speed. Our experienced and skilled team of customer support is there to assist your business with its payment needs.