Monthly Archives: May 2014

Credit Union Prepaid Cards to Your Rescue


We have one thing we really cannot live without after air water and food and that’s our credit cards. Actually they are the way we access the necessities of life like water and food. So we all have a very good idea how important credit cards are for us. But where there is a good there is a bad hidden somewhere.

Credit cards give us free hand in spending and at times totally destroy our budget because it’s too hard to control the temptation. The solution is credit union prepaid card. We at provide you with the best-prepaid card solution that you might find in throughout the city.

We are a scalable card processing platform and we alter specifications and design and implement what our customers’ desire. We take in account need of our customers and understand that everyone is not going to be satisfied with some pre made template. So we customize what you require in your prepaid cards as per your individual need. There is no question of leaving a customer unsatisfied with us. We understand your need and work for your relaxation.

We Are The Foremost Source For Your Merchant Payment Solutions

No doubt, cash will always remain the King, but it is hard to carry it in the pockets throughout the day or make the online payments. Thus, credit cards have been introduced. Almost all the payments in today’s period are done through the plastic money – Credit Cards. Are you well equipped to make online payments? MAP is the Credit Union that will solve your Merchant Payment Solutions with its credit cards.


MAP delivers the foremost merchant payment solutions in the industry by combining its banking expertise along with the leading payment processing system. We see to it that you can enjoy the benefit of one-stop payment solution for the entire payment and banking processing needs. Through our Credit Union Credit Cards you can make the payments anywhere and to any shop where the bank credit cards are also accepted. It is very critical to choose the correct payment partner. Thus, to solve your problem, we offer you the payment solution through our best services. Our payment processing sources have built in control features and monitor fraud and the transactions are also done at a high speed. Our experienced and skilled team of customer support is there to assist your business with its payment needs.

Do Shopping In a Smarter Way with the International Visa Gift Card

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Gift Cards are the common source of encouraging the sales. Stop carrying anymore cash and ease your pocket by making payments for the gifts through MAP’s International Visa Gift Card . Our Visa gift card works in the similar way as a credit card works. You can use it anywhere at any trade that accepts other cards also. Whenever you want any Visa gift cards, you can come to us. The gift cards we offer come with tremendous reward options and protection features.

Usually, many people do not know where to go for the card settlement services. If you want the Card Settlement Services , MAP is the only place where you can go without any confusion in the mind. You can track our past records and confirm about our services. If you are undergoing the situation of credit debt, then you can fall into several unwanted financial issues in near future. The only way to deal with such situations is to take our services. Our settlement services will help you in resolving all the debt issues. We will arrange daily funds transfer so that the issue can be settled. If you are not linked up with any other credit unions, the doors of MAP are always open for you.